Bethany Joy Lenz

Bethany Joy Lenz is a mother, artist, actor, creator, singer, writer, podcaster, vintage collector, horse/dog owner and she lays out an incredible snack spread! You can currently catch her in the psychological thriller “So Cold The River” streaming now. After that tune into her I Heart Radio podcast “Drama Queens” with Hilarie Burton and Sophia Bush. Since Joy is so passionate about her writing we thought it would be great to photograph her doing some of her favorite daily activities and write a little description about those moments. So scroll down and get to know this beautiful, inside and out, multi-hyphenate female force a little bit better.

Mornings always rush in like a freight train, my mind racing like the Matrix code before I even open my eyes, so the shower becomes a meditation space. Therapeutic dumping-of-water-on-head washes away the clumps of insecurity and illusions of self-importance. I heard once that “low self esteem and high self esteem are really just the same thing... self-focus. And neither is a functional solution for life. You have to find your value in something stable and loving, outside of yourself, or you’ll just become a narcissist. Alternatively, humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” And this all brings me back to God and gratitude. A good focus for each day is ‘How can I be of service? How can I be patient and loving? How can I be in the moment?” Then I’m ready to nourish myself; skin creme, hair care, facial potions, all the while reminding myself that I’m loved, I have a purpose, I can do more than I think I can, and I need to do less than attempting it all.
This is a vintage 70s nightgown I found at a rummage sale. I love it so much and feel so beautiful in it. Things you will always find in my house: Vintage clothes, Champagne (Veuve), a Chess board, and a Dog. The couch I’m sitting on was one hundred bucks for a set from a facebook marketplace ad- I LOVE facebook marketplace. It’s an old, granny, floral pattern and I just put it outside under the azalea bush. It gets sun bleached and rained on but it’s worth it. Give me vintage everything, I love history! This photo is actually a pretty accurate picture of some of my mornings. Everyday glamour is a staple. If you can do it with sparkle, why the hell wouldn’t you!?
If you ever need a reality check- go find someone with livestock and pick up a rake. Buying a ranch was one of my best decisions. This is actually a photo of me taking a break from shoveling shit- you just can’t see the shit. But you CAN see how happy it makes me.
I’m finishing writing my 3rd musical for stage. Long family history of musical theatre in my line, Grandpa was a broadway regular, Grandma must’ve been in every off-broadway and regional show that ran. It’s still a bucket list dream of mine to do a Broadway or West End musical, but for now I’ll keep writing. This next one has its roots in Native American culture from colonial days. I’ve been researching and writing for 5 years. As someone who came out of an evangelical community I know all-too-well the “it was 400 years ago, get over it” argument. But I think it’s clear to see the current generations of Indigenous nations feel deeply displaced and are still living through mountains of generational trauma that never stopped. Those boarding schools weren’t even that long ago, treaties are still violated... and it was all in the name of God and manifest destiny. As someone who follows Christ, this really reallybothers me. The lack of understanding in most American communities, or even a desire to understand these cultures that we literally railroaded over is something I’m passionate about changing. I think the most effective way to create positive change for Native American peoples is to motivate small communities to care; to inspire the individual! That can happen with education through art. So, here comes a pop-rock musical... palatable, enjoyable and hopefully inspirational and very rousing!
There’s a calm that comes over me when I paint. I can get lost in the details and it’s a relief from all the pressures of the day. I’ve stopped caring whether it’s good or bad. I just care if I was able to get my feelings out of my body and onto the canvas. It doesn’t always work, but I sure do love trying.
Rita. My old 64’ Ford F-150. She’s been a pain in the ass but a helluva a lot of fun too. This photo is afterschool pickup. We live in a rural part of LA where folks don’t mind the chug of Rita’s motor in the pickup line. I don’t use her daily but a few times a week I take her for a spin to pickup hay, or let my daughter and her friends jump in the bed and ride around backroads. Doing anything in my old truck makes it just a little more fun :)
Every girl needs a reason to dress up sometimes. I do it so much for my job that it’s taken me years to enjoy it and not get stressed about looking perfectly on trend. I guess with age comes priority shifting? It still can be a struggle because everyone wants to be a cool kid, but now I’m really enjoying just being myself whether that makes me cool or not. According to my 11 year old, it definitely does NOT make me cool. But, you know... I’m cool with that ;)

Joy wears her own clothing

Photos/Makeup: Tina Turnbow using Ogee

Shot in LA

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine