The Bare Magazine

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Langley Fox

Gorgeous artist and creator Langley Fox met up with us recently in her home base of Los Angeles. We became huge fans of her work and style thanks to following her friend and bare muse Emily Wickersham. Good times were had shooting Langley in her vintage duds and doing some sultry makeup. She’s not only a super talented artist…but we consider her a work of art herself. You will no doubt admire her incredible eyebrows…inherited from her beautiful momma Mariel Hemingway. Scroll on down and take a look at her creations and what we created together. Langley chats her inspirations, tattoos, self-care rituals, bare essentials and her go-to guy for her soon to be more than 40 piercings…….

The Bare Magazine: What top inspirations fuel your urge to create?

Langley Fox: I think the more you make things the more you need to make things in a sense. Knowing you can do something or wanting to challenge yourself to do something new or just do something simple is fuel, but really its just that I have the hunger to always be making something with my hands and mind.  Naturally I want to make something that evokes emotion out of the viewer but I also think it important to play around and have fun and do simple exercises in new mediums.

Bare: Do you have any formal training or all self taught?

LF: I have always drawn since I was a kid, which lead me to go to art college where I studied fashion design. After I discovered the grueling world that the fashion industry can be, I returned back to my room, shut my door, and drew within the safety and calmness of my own surroundings.

Bare: You also love to have art on your body -- what are some of your most meaningful/favorite tattoos?

LF: At this point, my matching tattoos with my dad (who passed away in 2019) are probably the most important and one of my newest with his ashes in the ink.  On the other hand, I don’t take tattoo meanings or symbolism too seriously. I think they are fun memories of times and enjoy their decorative nature.

Bare: On our shoot you mentioned having some permanent lip color tattooed. Can you tell us about that process and how you are liking it?

LF: Well I figured I’d tattoo pigment on my lips because I wear lipstick from morning to night so why not save myself the hassle of applying it/licking it off all day. I am a fan of it. I think there are spots when hyper focused that I need to fix but it will also fade in time and honestly, I can’t be bothered to knit pick and go back.

Bare: You have amazing ear adornment. Who has done a majority of your piercings?

LF: Colby Smith is my guy. It’s at 40 piercings and I plan to get more this week… my poor ears.

Art by Langley Fox

Bare: You have such poreless luminous skin! Would you attribute this to what you put in your well as products you use? Please share tips!

LF: I am a huge fan of True Botanicals for skincare. Their products I feel have changed my skin. I also just got some Biba that are great and Osea for body hydration. I am a bit crazy with my skincare routine. I ice my face in the morning, use like 7 products, massage it, red light it, and rub it in all different directions. I wake up at 4:30 am so doing an hour long routine doesn’t affect me as I have nothing better to do with my time really.  I also am vegan and eat a mostly a plant based diet making 90% of my meals, so know exactly what’s going in and can tell when something new hasn’t sit well inside or caused an external blemish. With that said, stress is usually when I get pimples which I have no control over.

Bare: What routines or treatments help you stay internally beautiful? Would you consider making art self care...a great escape?

LF: I feel like as I’ve gotten older, my whole existence is a personalized curated self care daily routine.  This includes long walks with my dog, drawing everyday, boxing, occasionally going for a (brief) drink in the early evening with a friend or two, and learning to say no with no regrets to things I don’t want to do or that give me significant anxiety.  Making art is definitely self care and is best done when I have nothing planned, so I keep my days very open so that when a good zone strikes I will not have to cut it short or worry about anything in the near future.  I think you can gather from this that I’m pretty antisocial and really feed off my seclusion.

Bare: Please list your top 5 Bare beauty products.


True Botanicals Skincare

Ilia Makeup

Solawave Red Light

Noto Makeup

Biba LA Skin

And one more….Osea Malibu!

Photos/Makeup/Interview: Tina Turnbow

Clothing: Langley’s own