The Bare Magazine

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leslie rodriguez kritzer

It was a complete joy to hang with the supremely talented and beautiful Leslie Rodriguez Kritzer during a few off moments from being on the broadway stage starring as Lady of the Lake in Spamalot. She filled us in on some upcoming projects she’s working on, aging gracefully, bare essentials, her beloved mother and how she has turned loss into a positive kick in her evolution as an actor, creator, and genuine spirit. Leslie is the real deal and a true inspiration. We can’t wait for more LRK greatness to come.

The Bare Magazine: During our shoot you said some of the photos reminded you of your mom. What top 3 qualities come to mind when you think of her?

Leslie Kritzer: My mom was so many things all at once. Sexy, funny and deeply complicated. I think the photos evoke many sides of what I remember about her especially because of the vintage vibe. Her young self that was innocent with so many possibilities. The sexy funny side of herself that knew she was beautiful and captivating and the darker more unreachable side with an edge. Or just plain sadness. They are all there. Mostly, she knew how to take a damn good photo and the camera loved her. She always said she could have been an actress. Instead, her daughter became one.

Bare: In what way has her loss sparked your own self evolution and growth in a positive way?

LK: I realized something very important. It happened almost immediately after she passed away. I thought to myself "I will no longer hide." What that means is, I am going to really live my life. No matter what weight, or age. I'm going to show up. Wear the things I want to wear. Speak my mind. Say yes to things even when the messages in my mind tell me I don't look right, I'm not smart enough or good enough. The fact is, I deserve a seat at the table exactly as I am now. Getting older is a fact of life. I want to live out the rest of my life celebrating everything my mother couldn't for so many years.

She lost a sense of herself. Her confidence. Her worth. Her hope. Then depression and dementia took what was left of her. I am carrying on my mother's legacy by celebrating all the sides of me. She lives inside me now more than ever and that's what she would want.

Bare: Describe your personal style? Are you a vintage collector?

LK: My personal style changes but I guess it's a mix of modern sexy with a dash of preppy and an element of surprise. I have been thrifting since I was in high school in the 90's. I grew up right outside the city so we used to go to stores that no longer exist like Unique Boutique and Antique Boutique on Broadway in the Village. I still love to scour second hand stores and also now that so many sellers are on Instagram, I have bought so much from them all over the country.

I was so excited to have some things from Cure Thrift to try for the shoot. Sustainable fashion is going to become more and more important and I'm here for it. Also everything old is new again. I don't want to always wear what everyone else is wearing. It's fun to be unique and different.

Bare: Aside from the workout you get on stage... how do you stay in such great shape? Include diet go-tos as well.

LK: I have an amazing trainer, Jessie Green, who I have been working out with for years. I have incorporated a lot of weight training into my routine. It's really changed my body and made me feel strong. Muscles are sexy. As far as diet, I don't really subscribe to one specific thing. As my body has changed, I know to tweak what I eat depending on how I feel and the kind of jobs I'm doing. Currently I do try to stay away from drinking and a ton of sugar. I feel better when I don't have as much but I think deprivation, unless you have an allergy, can lead to a disordered way of eating. That's something I don't want to engage in anymore.

Bare: At this stage in your life what is your philosophy on the inevitable aging process?

LK: I'm honest about my age. I'm 46 and I'll be 47 on May 24th. I'm proud that I have walked the earth this long. I support anyone's right to alter their appearance as they want but what's coming is coming. I want to enjoy the process. The body changing is actually fascinating to me. I don't wish to get ill or suffer as I get much older, but maybe the acceptance of the inevitable is key to a deeper understanding of self. We always ask what's the meaning of life. I certainly don't have the answer, but I do know that maybe the key to all of it is in the process of what life is. Learning every step of the way. Maybe that's the meaning. Wow, I went deep there but hey, why not!

Bare: In what way is self care, self adornment, makeup, and hair a great form of self expression? Can a good brow be confidence boosting?!

LK: I just got my brows microbladed and I'm so excited about it. I love a bold look and since I'm an actress my face is obviously important. The darker fuller brows will accentuate what I have and also I've been doing my hair curly lately and created a look, courtesy of Lindsay Block who is my hair stylist, that is more me now. I really feel like I've come into myself. A great lip is always fun. I love a good eyelash. Who doesn't love an eyelash? You can feel fabulous with zero makeup on. Anything to make you feel like, "Yeah girl you are IT!," is how I like to be.

Bare: If you could choose your ultimate next project what would it be? And who have you been wanting to work with?

LK: If I could choose my next project it would be to finish one of my projects and have it produced. I have a play that I've been writing and also a short film. 2024 is about that for me.

Bare: Please list your top 5 beauty BARE essentials.


photos/makeup: Tina Turnbow using Ogee

hair: Lindsay Block

vintage clothing: Cure Thrift