The Bare Magazine

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Ruby O. Fee

Beautiful, creative spirit Ruby O. Fee brilliantly plays hacker Korina Dominguez in “Army of Thieves,” the super-hit prequel to “Army of the Dead” streaming now. It was directed by her talented partner, Matthias Schweighöfer, who also stars in the film. We met up with Ruby in Brooklyn after she had just flown in from Germany, where she’s lived on and off since 2008. She was excited about exploring the great borough of Brooklyn and as a foodie she was most curious about great places to eat. Ruby loves to paint and has an eye for detail and color. Check that bold red lip she dabbed on! So “hack in” to the little diary below and see how we spent some quality time with this talented, rising star.

The Bare Magazine: Describe the ride/escape "Army of Thieves" will provide the viewer? In what way will it be a great one to dive into?

Ruby O. Fee: I think it’s a great one to dive into because there’s a little bit of everything. There’s something for everyone, whether you want to laugh, cry or be on the edge of your seat, it has it all. It’s a fun action heist movie with a very sweet little love story and a wide range of characters. Everyone is so great in it!

Bare: What did you love about stepping into the role? What drew you to it?

ROF: I think what I love most about my character, Korina was that she is so tough, funny and totally unique. She takes her job in the group seriously but still has a good time doing it. It’s a totally different role than anything I have ever played which was great for me to be able to show versatility and really dive into something new. I was drawn to this primarily because the story is so great and it was an amazing opportunity to be part of the Zack Snyder universe alongside an ensemble of such talented actors and an amazing director.

Bare: How do you think growing up in Costa Rica, Brazil and now living in Berlin contribute to the evolution of your creative passions...and your personal style?

ROF: I think traveling and being in all those totally different cultures has helped me stay open and curious and to go out of my way to learn and see new things. Because of this, my style changes every day since I just love being inspired by what’s around me. Film is kind of the same in that you travel a lot and you meet new people. You’re also able to dive into worlds that aren’t even possible in real life, which is just so exciting and the reason why I’m so passionate about my job.

Bare: Do you think your incredible attention to detail is a great asset in everything you're pursuing - or do you ever get stuck in it?

ROF: I think it depends on what I’m doing. If I’m making art - like painting, building, visualizing, mood boards, story-telling or even creating a scent. I think it’s great because it can go so deep. Sometimes my friends hate me for it and sometimes they choose me to do the job.

Bare: We hear you’re a big foodie. What are your favorite foods and restaurants - do you like to cook as well?

ROF: I love food and I couldn’t choose. It’s like asking me what’s my favorite country to travel to. I really need a little bit of everything. That versatility is what inspires me and keeps me learning, building my very own character every day.

Bare: You are also a talented painter. Who are some artists/painters/creators that inspire you most?

ROF: There are so many artists and different styles that inspire me. I love Joseph Mallord, William Turner, Lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler, Jackson pollock, Gustav Klimt, Yayoi Kusama, Vincent Van Gogh, Anish Kapoor, Salvatore Dali, Picasso.

Bare: Who have you loved collaborating with and who would be in your wish list to work with?

ROF: There are so many! Of course, Matthias Schweighöfer - It was so much fun to shoot “Army Of thieves” with him. I also loved working with Andreas Dresen. As far as a wish list goes, it would be a dream to work with filmmakers such as Tim Burton, Sam Levinson, Denis Villeneuve, Wes Anderson, Sophia Coppola, David Lynch, Stephen Spielberg, just to name a few!

Bare: List your top 5 life's bare essentials?

ROF: The humans I love, fire, food, water and the sun.

Shot at 1 Hotel Brooklyn

Hair: David Von Cannon

Photos/Makeup: Tina Turnbow using Ogee